IMG_4036 I’m a reporter.  I seek information and I write things down.  So it should come as no surprise that I had purchased a spiral notebook to document what I needed to know after I had discovered a lump in my breast two years ago this month.   It was on January 16th that the call came. It was a Friday afternoon after a long week.  The two headlines that jump off the page of my notebook when I look back at notes from that call: “small area of invasive cancer” and “cure rate 90%”.  The following weeks were a blur of blessings really: more tests, surgery, radiation and so much support.
I look back with as much gratitude as I had in the days of the experience.  I want to share my story again and again.  It was a positive outcome because I listened to my body.  I know we all (men, you’re included too) blow off regular check ups and the recommended screenings that we need.  I also know that even when something in our bodies is off, we tells ourselves, “I’m just too busy. I’ll get to it next week.”
Take care of yourself now, today.  I know not every woman with breast cancer has my outcome and I feel for them.  But I know one of the reasons why I’m looking back on this two year anniversary with gratitude is because I didn’t wait.  And I tell my story hoping you won’t wait either.